Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who are you wearing?

So for me, the fashion whore, "who are you wearing?" is a reasonable question. I want to know! But, is it really THAT important? Although I've always known that a lot of products charge you to wear their name, I didn't realize just how much. I mean I grew up in the days of the TH and RL Polo shirt and shirt dress. Target made the very same product! But, when you covet a pair of red soled Louboutins or a Birkin could you really be set up to pay a 500% or 1000% mark up? Wowza!

That's devestating, and I really just want to ignore it! I would like to think that I'm paying for expertise and creativity. But, how true can that be "off-the-rack?" I'm in a big named department store paying for the mass produced item. Revelation: I'm wasting my damn money!

I don't make a lot of big ticket item purchases. I'm a single mother to a young son. I have to manage money with some sense and sensibility. I know the beauty of the Gap and Target, Kohls, and TJMaxx. I do have random moments of falling in love with a label though. Don't we all?!

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